There are many ways in which volunteers can make a real impact here at the Foundation. Whether it's on a regular weekly basis or at our events during the year, including monthly Pack Walks, Easter and Christmas specials, and the annual Fun Day, volunteering is one of the best ways in which you can help support our work and make a real difference to the dogs' lives.​
Some of the roles we need help with include:
Volunteer Centre Assistants
Dog Walking Volunteer
Volunteer Foster Carers
Volunteer Laundry Assistants
Handyman/woman and Grounds Maintenance Volunteer
Volunteer Administrative Assistants
Events Volunteer
Marketing Assistant Volunteer
​Some of the benefits of Volunteering:
Learn new skills
Develop existing skills
Make a difference to the dogs' lives
An opportunity to try something new and different from your every day roles
Meet new and like-minded people
Be part of a dedicated team
Some of these roles are for regular volunteers on a daily or weekly basis, but we also welcome volunteers who can help with events during the year.
Contact info@dogtroublefoundation.co.uk to find out how you can get involved.